Men’s Essential Collection -
New Patterns, New Tools, New Fit
Pre-Order Dress Shop Men's Essential
Collection and Save 20%!
exciting new Men’s Essential Collection includes new tools, new
men's fit type, new standard measurement charts for men, new design
elements, 91 all new patterns, and new instructional articles. Get
everything you would need to sew for the men in your family or anyone
else that might want the fit of a man’s shirt, pajama, or robe. This
large collection will outfit any man from dress pants and shirts to
boxers, tees, and athletic wear.
Available 9-7-05,
order now and save."
Programs and Keycodes

Livingsoft has three different programs that are
available in CD and download form. These are The Dress Shop Family, Hat
Shop, and Home Dec Sampler.
All Dress Shop programs are contained within the
single installation of The Dress Shop Family. This includes all design
tools, pattern collections and pattern sets.
Any additional pattern sets, pattern collections,
and design tools purchased, unless newly released, are already within
your Dress Shop program. If the purchase is a new release, you will need
to download and install a new update from the web site. Updates are
always free. To activate any new purchases, enter the issued keycode
into your existing or updated Dress Shop program. There are several ways
to enter your keycodes into Dress Shop:
1. When purchased, a confirmation email is sent,
along with the keycode(s) for the purchased product. From within your
Dress Shop program, select File>Enter Keycodes and manually enter your
code. When manually entering keycodes, keep in mind that there are no
letters “O”, “L”, or “I”, but rather the numbers zero ‘0’ and/or
& A
When I
download the updates does it create a whole new program on my C
drive? I have multiple Dress Shop programs on my drive that are the
result of down loaded updates, which ones do I keep?
A. Updates install into your existing
Dress Shop program, over-writing and adding new files. Previous
updates should never be removed, as this will disable your
Dress Shop program. Also, the file sizes showing in the Add-Remove
window are not accurate and do not display the correct sizes of the
installed update files.
Another Free Pattern!

The free pattern for this month is men's travel
vest or hiking vest.
To get and use your free pattern
click here!
Sew Expo 2005
By Alice McGlothin
Each spring the swallows return to
Capistrano..........and the stitchers come back to Puyallup, WA. For
the past 21 years the Washington State University Extension has hosted
the Sewing & Stitchery Expo at the Washington State Fairgrounds in
Puyallup (pew-AL-up) Washington. It is the largest sewing expo on the
west coast, and the biggest consumer sewing show in the United States.
The show runs for four full days and includes seminars and hands-on
classes. Last year there were 386 booths with 205 vendors represented.
Of course LivingSoft was there.
For the second year in a row, the Livingsoft booth
was managed and hosted by the Washington State User Group. The team,
led by Kay Cook, designed, constructed and staffed the booth.
We had several laptop computers set up with the
latest build of the full program on each. As attendees approached the
booth we had just one important question to ask: "Would you like to be
able to make clothes that REALLY fit, EVERY time you sew?" That started
off a conversation about Dress Shop.
Most people today are using computers for all types
of sewing and craft design. They are fascinated by a program that can
take as few as five or as many as 57 measurements, and draft a clothing
pattern. We emphasized that these patterns are custom designed for
anyone, even those with hard-to-fit body issues. And the program drafts
for men, women, children and dolls!
Many grandmothers were delighted to see a program
that could draft an adorable dress for their little granddaughters AND
print the same dress for her doll. And, because the designs can be
saved, folks who needed costumes or a bridesmaid dress liked the ability
to create, save and then print for as many different measurements sets
as needed. Of course, the Measurement Wizard could speed up this