Upgrading To Dress Shop Deluxe

To see exactly what features come with an upgrade, run your current copy of Dress Shop Quick Start and check the box on the icon bar labeled "Show Upgrade Features". Look in the Options menu as well as the Pro Tools and Design Tools menus. Open each item in those menus to see which new features are provided with an upgrade.

For any upgrade, you only pay the difference in the list prices of the version you own and the version you are upgrading to.

NOTE: Upgrade price will appear in the shopping cart only after you
login and ownership of prior version is confirmed.

  Quick Start
List - $49
List - $199
    Upgrade Price: $150
Patterns Included: 20 Basic Wardrobe Patterns 80 Deluxe Wardrobe Patterns
Fit Options:    

Form Fit, Standard, Casual, Relaxed, and Unfitted


4 Knit Types


Specific Ease Adjustments

Garment Options:    

Sleeve Types:

4 10
plus adjustments*

Neckline Types:

19 46
plus adjustments*

Closure Types:

9 15
plus adjustments

Length, Darts, Hemlines, Vents, Pockets, and many more.

plus adjustments*